Stephanie Vigil is too extreme for colorado

In just two years, Stephanie Vigil has pushed some of the most radical and damaging legislation in Colorado’s history. Representing House District 16 in Colorado Springs, she has shown a disconnect with the needs and values of her constituents. Her term has been marked by dangerous policies that put her community in harm’s way.

It’s critical that she be voted out to prevent her radical agenda from causing irreversible harm.

Voted Against Felony Charges for Indecent Exposure to a Child

As an elected State Representative, Stephanie Vigil voted NO on legislation that would make it a class 6 felony for adults to expose themselves indecently when they know a child under 15 can see them and they are at least 4 years older than the child.

This bi-partisan bill had near unanimous support yet Stephanie Vigil voted to protect sex offenders.

* HB23-1135
* Colorado Springs Gazette: “Placing the perpetrator above the victim

Voted to Release Undocumented Immigrants Who Commit Crimes

Thanks to a bill co-sponsored by Stephanie Vigil that prohibits local law enforcement from keeping undocumented immigrants arrested for illegal activities detained, they are regularly released back onto the streets with no system to track their criminal histories. These policies have repeatedly let dangerous criminals evade justice and endanger public safety, essentially prioritizing bureaucratic agendas over community welfare.

Voted To Ban Women's Self Defense Handguns

Stephanie Vigil voted for extreme legislation that would have banned nearly 60% of handguns commonly used by women for self-defense, leaving vulnerable women and abuse victims without critical protection. Her support for this bill shows a clear disregard for their safety and a pattern of choosing to protect perpetrators.

The bill also sought to ban nearly 90% of shotguns used by hunters, a move that would have deeply impacted those who rely on hunting to feed their families. Vigil’s support for these drastic measures highlights just how disconnected she is from the needs and values of her constituents.

Voted to Put Drug Injection Sites In Colorado Springs

Stephanie Vigil co-sponsored a bill that would put dangerous legal drug injection sites in Colorado Springs. These types of sites, currently only found in places like New York City, negatively impact local neighborhoods, attract crime, and normalize drug use among curious youth.

This bill ultimately did not pass as both Democrats and Republicans disagreed with Stephanie and voted against it.

Voted to cut your TABOR refunds by 85%

In 2022 Coloradans received “Colorado Cashback” TABOR refund checks, and in 2023 and 2024, when taxpayers needed it the most due to out of control inflation, they got $800 TABOR refunds at tax time. That won’t happen again thanks to Stephanie Vigil who co-sponsored legislation to reduce those refunds by more than 85% in favor of her pet projects. 

voted against government Transparency

As a Colorado State Representative, Stephanie Vigil voted to allow government officials to DENY citizen access to records that are currently available to the public through Colorado Open Records Act and force those citizens to go through costly court procedures to gain access – even if the records pertained to the citizens themselves!

Stephanie supported exempting elitist media from this same policy. 

Voted to Force Private Property Owners to Sell to Government First

Stephanie Vigil co-sponsored a bill forcing private property owners to give first dibs to local governments on buying privately-owned multi-family buildings across the state. This means the government can jump in and make an offer on both cheap and regular-priced apartments before anyone else gets a chance to buy them, pushing regular folks to the back of the line when it comes to owning property.

Are you in House District 16?

Colorado House District 16 includes a portion of Colorado Springs with the main ZIP codes being 80918, 80917, 80915, 80909, 80907, and 80903. The entire district sits in El Paso County

Use our interactive map to find out if you are in HD16.